The Rental Housing Commission (“Commission”) has scheduled a virtual meeting for Thursday, May 19, 2022, 2 pm to 3 pm, via WEB EX. The Commission will vote to adopt draft decision and order in the following appeal:
- Dungan v. Gross RH-TP-14-30,592
The parties are not required to appear, and the Commission will not seek public comment at this meeting. Upon approval by a majority of the Commission, the finalized, written decision and order will be promptly served upon each party by email. Please note that the time to file a motion for reconsideration or to appeal the decision begins to run from the date of service.
Electronic copies of the decisions and orders, along with minutes, a transcript, or an electronic recording of the meeting, will be posted online as soon as practicable. Copies of meeting materials also will be available.
Meeting Information
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